Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Poetry Reading

I'm reading at Beyond Baroque in the Mike Kelley Gallery on Dec. 12, 8pm, with three other wonderful poets –– Shivani Mehta, Richard Garcia & Katherine Williams. It'll be wonderful, at least they'll be wonderful, I'll be okay. Hope you can make it.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Online Poetry Class Begins Next Week

 I'm teaching an online poetry class for UCLA Extension's Writers' Program. 
Here's the info:

Creative Writing: Poetry
XL 136 English 5 units c
Available for UCLA transferable credit, this workshop combines writing assignments with an exploration of contemporary poetry. You look at forms ranging from the sonnet to prose poems, and develop your own voice. Each week the work of a contemporary poet is discussed and writing assignments are critiqued. The course goal is to finish with a number of polished and completed poems and understand the demands and rewards of living an inspired life through poetry. For technical requirements see page 4. Enrollment limited to 15 students.
Reg# 249985CA

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Poems from The Sounthern Review

The Southern Review put two of my poems on Soundcloud. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

New Book Coming Out

My next book, I'm No Longer Troubled By the Extravagance, will be published by BOA next year!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Prose Poem workshop filled up!

My one day prose poem workshop at UCLA Extension, 2/1/14, is now filled. It's gonna be fun. I'll be teaching an online class for them in the spring. Hope some of you are interested. You can be in Moscow, Russia, or Rhode Island and take the class!